So, I get a call from whom but my daughter Mariam. She went on to say that she really liked my mother’s day blog, but (it would’ve been a great place to stop) she went on .. “So, mom, what is the answer? How would you have felt if you were your own daughter?” I paused (as if I would say OMG, I would’ve been horrified – not going to happen!) and thought about it for a while. And here is the answer:
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I would’ve hated me, loved me, admired me, get frustrated with me, and wanted to be better than me and not repeat my mistakes – EVER! But, in general, I would’ve understood, like I did understand my own parents. When you look at them as if they are your neighbors, you’d notice that they are just like you. They just want to do their best and that is the best they can with the hand they have been dealt.
I can’t help but humming: if you are happy and you know it, clap your hand s.. If you know you are happy, good for you. Figure out the recipe and spread the word. If you know you are not happy, at least you are ahead of bunch of us. Get on and do something. If you are stuck being unhappy, you may have a condition called “addiction to that feeling.” Check it out. If you don’t know how you feel, honey we need to talk. Either way, whatever works.
If, you blame your parents, your environment, childhood drama, mean teacher, culture, etc. when something goes wrong in your life, then when you look in the mirror some day, and you like what you see, or get praised and feel good and smart, you have to call your parent and thank them too!
This is a good place to quote Miriam Williamson as she wrote in the Age Of Miracles, “after all, Superman was raised but by simple parents from Kansas.”